ArticlesMy Opinions

My Opinions

LAST UPDATED : 04-02-2017

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The contents of this section is purely my own views and it is meant for harmonizing and enhancing life. It has no direct or indirect intention to harm or criticize anyone’s feelings.

I will keep updating this section from time to time.

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1. No religion is full without its rituals. All religions in this universe exists, identifies, differ and distinguish only through its rituals.

2. No court should decide or interfere in changing worshiper’s customary belief, If at all circumstances demands for a change for the betterment of people, then it is advisable to put a “Draw” in-front of the deity and accept the outcome as final verdict. For example Sabarimala, Saniswara Temple etc…

3. Most of the religions are man made, according to his/her belief and realization. All man made can have shortfalls.

4. Religion is like an outer skin of the body whereas the Spiritual power is inner side of the body. God receive us only when you are spiritual not religious.



1. It is an inner power (Self).

2. Compassionate love and affection towards all good beings is Spiritual Power of a person.

3. Spiritual path is the best route for man’s life journey. His/Her baggage could be religious background.




1. India should abort “Rajya Sabha – The Upper House” and replace it with Think Tankers Association. The association should consists of Science, Economic and Spiritual (not religious) achievers and well wishers of India. No politician or cine actors should get involved in this association. Preferably one representative from each state who is well versed in their regional language.  

2. India should abort Personal Income Tax.



1. All types of education whether basic or higher upto graduation should be made available to all children of this universe at FREE OF COST, irrespective of government or private education establishments. Charges / fees to be levied only for Master, Specialization degrees and PHDs etc.. Ideally speaking private education should start only from Master Degrees onward. Upto graduation all schools must be operated by the Government only.

2. Students should never enter into politics upto the age of 21. No schools, collages should conduct political election – especially in India.

3. There should not be any kind of quota system in education. Every one should get free and quick admission and no discrimination whatsoever manner.

4. According to one source the “Public Spending on Education Worldwide” is not even 5% of its GDP… Imagine if all governments decided to absorb this amount (it is a peanut number for rich governments). Governments should have big heart to consider this suggestion so that we can bring down crime rate to the maximum possible manner. Lack of proper (un-biased) education is the main contributor of poverty and crime.



1. Crime will not come down unless people started believe in Karma Theory. Whatever good or bad actions one do, will follow the consequent results for that action.

2. When most valuable, re-usable, precious and useful items were confiscated by the customs or government authorities, those items should not be destroyed. It should sold or make use for the welfare of its citizens. At the end of the day the entire wealth belongs to its citizens whether owned by direct or indirect owner. I noticed many times that the government authorities burned off elephant tusks, drugs, skin etc.. Why waste and encourage the thief to repeat the same error and vanish our natural wealth?.

3. God likes Brahmans (Preferably Vipras – Spiritually Learned ones!). Mind you, everyone can become Brahman by doing good deeds (Manasa-Vacha-Karmana). One can become Brahman only by doing good deeds not otherwise. Brahman-hood is not received by birth though it is a pre-qualification to become Brahman since born in a Brahman family. If that family members of past 3 generations were not doing the duties prescribed for Brahmans then naturally they will loose this status and the forth coming children are also dis-qualified for pre-qualification status.


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